Recent Question/Assignment

Faculty of Business and Law
Assignment Brief 2023/24
Unit Title: Digital Leadership Transformation
Unit Code: 5Z7V0006 Core: Y Level: 7
Assignment Title: Portfolio
Unit Leader: Dr Roula Michaelides
Contact Details:
Submission Date: See date on Moodle Feedback Return Date: See Date on Moodle - four weeks after submission
Submission Instructions: Submit through submission link on the Moodle channel no later than 21.00 (9pm) on day of submission.
Feedback Return Information: Provisional marks and feedback via Moodle. View online feedback against your electronic submission.
Assignment Task and word count:
For this assignment, you need to submit : A portfolio of work (TOTAL 3500 words) that consists of 2 parts.
1. An INDIVIDUAL REPORT (MAX 2500 words) identifying the opportunities, drivers and challenges of organisational improvement and change through digital transformation in particular times of uncertainty as found in a case study of your choice. The case study could be in any industry (private or public sector). Ensure that you include in your report an approach for leading and managing this particular digital transformation proposed. (85%)
2. A PERSONAL CRITICAL REFLECTION (MAX 1000 words) on some aspect or critical incident in your professional or learning experience that enables you to identify goals to further develop your leadership and change management skills. Ensure that when you are setting these goals you also reflect on ethical issues that may affect your leadership practice. (15%)
Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed:
LO1: Analyse the role of digital technology in the continuous improvement and transformation of contemporary organisations in their business environment
LO2: Critically evaluate strategic planning, leadership and change management approaches relevant to the challenges faced by contemporary organisations.
LO3: Apply entrepreneurial approaches to recognising opportunities and developing strategies for improvement and change.
Early Career/World Class Professional Skills (PLOs) being assessed or developed
This assignment will help further develop your information gathering capabilities, critical analysis and thinking skills and practical decision making as well as enhancing your written communication skills essential for employability and life-long learning.
AOL Programme learning outcomes Assessed
1. AOL PLO 1.1.1: Identify and interrogate relevant data and literature sources using methods appropriate to level of study and to discipline
2. AOL PLO 2.1.1: Organise work in a logical structure in order to draw conclusions that follow from line of argument
3. PLO 2.1.2 : Consistent and appropriate referencing and in text citation
4. PLO 2.1.3: Effectively communicate information appropriately and accurately using a range of media
5. AOL PLO 3.1.1: Recognise, explore and reflect on key ethical issues as they affecting own and others' practice.
AOL Programme Learning outcomes Developed
1. PLO4. Our graduates will demonstrate professional and commercial/corporate awareness
Assignment Details and Instructions.
PART 1: REPORT (2500 words Maximum) (85%)
“Identifying the opportunities, drivers and challenges of organisational improvement and change through digital transformation in particular times of uncertainty as found in a case study of your choice. The case study could be in any industry (private or public sector). Ensure that you include in your report an approach for leading and managing this particular digital transformation proposed.”
The following report explores Digital Trends with some examples/case studies which may stimulate ideas for opportunities and challenges they present.
Deloitte (2023) tech trends 2023. Deloitte insight report [Online] [Accessed 1 October 2023] wd_paid_search&gclid=Cj0KCQiAgribBhDkARIsAASA5btDF8kMaun9BiFExfw5OmbDsem_oN1V8xk7YFiTFh AFjQlc_subz2caAnzcEALw_wcB
Deloitte (2022) Tech Trends 2022. Deloitte Insights Report. [Online] [Accessed on 9 December 2022]
Read the assessment rubric at the end of this brief to gain understanding of how the quality of your work is to be judged. In terms of the report content and structure, the logic of this is broadly outlined below. However, consider how your headings can be made relevant to your own case study (e.g. Introduction to digital CRM at OpenOrg)
-Introduction: provides contextual information about the organisation/organisational unit, the need/opportunity or strategy for transformation to improve and how there is awareness of this, and the potential for digital transformation to address this.
-Current situation analysis: more detailed critical analysis of the current situation and justification of the need or the existing formulated strategy for the proposed digital transformation. Use relevant theory, models, frameworks to conduct your analysis and support your arguments.
-Critical discussion of the implications for leading and managing the strategy or proposed transformation in this specific context. What are the challenges the digital transformation presents? What leadership/change management approach(es) would more likely lead to successful outcomes for the different stakeholders? Why? Critically discuss e.g. their desirability and feasibility and again make use of appropriate theory, models, and frameworks in adopting a critical approach to this discussion.
-Conclusions: summarise your overall logical conclusion of this analysis and discussion in terms of the need for digital transformation and how this could be lead and managed.
Recommendations: prioritise some actionable next steps for decision makers in this context.
To achieve the above, your report has to demonstrate a critical awareness of relevant academic literature. It is expected that a full reference list for academic and industry sources are cited in your report.
Please ensure that all references and citations comply with MMU Cite Them Right Harvard referencing appropriately and in full both in the text as citations and listed in full, alphabetically, at the end. See the library guide for further information at
Support is also available on the Cite Them Right website and includes:
-Guidance on How to use Cite Them Right
-Advice on how to reference a broad range of source types in the Cite Them Right Harvard style.
-The Cite Them Right website encourages students to identify and correct their own referencing mistakes via the ‘You try’ function.
-Offers an online tutorial on referencing and plagiarism and lots of video guidance.
Evidence of the more detailed application of theory/models/frameworks that supports arguments made
in your report. Examples of evidence you may include in appendices (not prescriptive):- -strategic planning tools, such as SWOT, PESTLE, Porters 5 Forces, as applied to the case study
organisation/ organisation unit/ function to help identify and justify the need for digital transformation;
- application of theory/model to evaluate strategic planning process(es)used in your case study organisation (e.g. alignment, maturity);
-application of leadership and/or change management theory to analyse and evaluate leadership styles and leadership and change approaches in your case study organisation in the context of digital strategy; -application of other theory covered to analyse practice relevant to the need or opportunity or strategy for digital transformation identified (e.g. innovation, knowledge management and organisational learning).
“A PERSONAL CRITICAL REFLECTION on some aspect or critical incident in your professional or learning experience that enables you to identify goals to further develop your leadership and change management
skills. Ensure that when you are setting these goals you also reflect on ethical issues that may affect your leadership practice.”
Study the assessment rubric at the end of this brief to understand how the quality of your work is to be judged.
- Ensure that your narrative is evaluative , reflective and analytical rather than purely descriptive. Although there will inevitably be some descriptive element to explain the context always add your reflection as well.
- To provide sufficient depth to your evaluation and analysis, and conclude some meaningful actionable insight, focus on a single or very small number of critical professional/learning events rather than your life or career history.
- Appropriate theory (e.g. leadership) will help you analyse, evaluate and interpret your learning experience to reach conclusions informing your personal development planning.
- Use of a framework for critical reflection (e.g. Gibbs reflective cycle) will help you to organise your reflection and structure the writing of this.
- Word counts apply to the main body of the elements and excludes supplementary material such as title and contents pages, references and appendices.
- At the very minimum, the report should be presented with a title page. It is your own discretion whether to use a contents page, but consider whether the size of the document merits this.
- There is no prescribed font or structure. Part of the assessment covers your ability to communicate in writing effectively. At this Masters level you should be able to demonstrate appropriate choices about how to present and organise your writing for yourself.
- Cross-reference any supporting analysis or referenced evidence, facts and figures.
- Use MMU Cite Them Right Harvard referencing appropriately and in full both in the text as citations and listed in full, alphabetically, at the end. See the library guide for further information at
- The file format should be Microsoft Word document or pdf. For Mac users who use Pages, or an alternative word processing application, you will need to convert your work to this format before submission.
Both elements will need to be submitted in the same document to the online link provided in the Moodle channel.
You are advised to check your work after upload, to make sure it has uploaded properly. You should make at least one full backup copy of your work. If you have technical problems submitting to Moodle you should email and copy the unit leader with your file and log the issue with the IT Helpline, or tel 0161 247 4646.
Submission deadline is at 9pm for the date of submission. Any submissions after this but within 7 days of the deadline will be subject to a 50% cap. Submission more than 7 days after the deadline will be considered as non-submission.
- Formative feedback will be given in classes supportive activities based on your engagement. There will also be opportunity through assignment support to discuss your work in progress with your tutor and peers. Note: Tutors DO NOT pre-mark or give indicative grades in this support, but only provide advice on areas for improvement.
There will be THREE formative tutorials to help you with this task. These will take place during the normal tutorial schedule and will be highlighted on Moddle. They will take the format of:
Assignment Tutorial 1: Introduction to the Assignment
Assignment Tutorial 2: Leadership Styles in Digital Transformation
Assignment Tutorial 3: Evaluation of successful and failed Digital Transformation examples.
- Feedback on work submitted for final assessment.
Summative feedback will be provided on the assessment rubric and released to you with your grade through Moodle. If you have any questions about this feedback, please direct this to the marking tutor. YOU SHOULD NOT QUESTION YOUR MARKS WITHOUT FIRST READING THIS FEEDBACK.
Comments will also be made on how you have used academic sources to underpin your thinking as well as on the academic and professional skills you have further enhanced and developed.
Academic support
In addition the university provides a range of academic support delivered by study support tutors, please have a look here for more information and how to book sessions.
Additional Information:
What you MUST do:
• Use the Cite Them Right Harvard referencing style appropriately and in full both in the text as citations and listed in full, alphabetically, at the end.
• Use grammatically correct, formal English.
• Proof read your work
• Ensure that you have used your own words and interpretation
• Attend supporting tutorials.
• Provide a robust structure and context for your assessment.
• You must use your own words – the assignment is designed to demonstrate YOUR knowledge.
You must synthesise and interpret what the various authors are saying.
• You must read the assignment brief!
• Include a word count on your front page
• Inform the unit leader if you have a personal learning plan and require an extension before the end of term
What you must NOT do.
• Do not use Wikipedia or other inappropriate web sites.
• Do not use generic texts books, these will not contain the information you need
• Do not Leave it to the last minute.
• Do not go over the word count, no work will be marked over the maximum limit.
• Do not use quotations, you do not have the word count!
• Do not include an executive summary
• Do not Submit later than the 21.00 deadline
Moodle is the main repository of resources. However, this should be supported with wider academic journals and databases as well as the further reading from each lecture. Performing well in the assignment will require significant independent study and research outside the scheduled class time.
The unit learning materials and activities will be used to guide you in the issues, context, theory, tools and techniques relevant to undertaking these tasks. You must research and analyse appropriate sources to support your own analysis of the set topic. Your report has to demonstrate a critical awareness of at least fifteen relevant academic literature.
There will be specific assignment tutorial briefings provided during weeks 1,2 and 3 of teaching. Some limited remote assignment support contact will be offered in the form of an Assignment Q&A forum on Moodle.
If you fail to achieve a pass standard for the unit (50%), reassessment will be required of the failed element(s). Only one reassessment attempt is permitted.
Academic Integrity, Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism
Academic Integrity is about engaging in good academic practice. It means being honest and transparent,?and demonstrating rigour and accuracy in your work. This can include the proper citation and referencing of the sources of your ideas and information, ensuring that you are using appropriate research methods,?or checking that your work is free of errors.
Additional information, video tutorials and guides to support good academic practice and maintain Academic Integrity in your assignments can be found on the Academic Integrity area of the?Academic and Study Skills page on Moodle.
Academic Misconduct is any action that could give you an unfair advantage in coursework, exams, or any other assessed work, which could lead to undermining the academic standards of the University. This includes practices such as plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, contract cheating or falsification of data. Full details of the Manchester Metropolitan University guidelines for Academic Misconduct and definitions of terms can be found here.
The originality of your work is key to your learning. All submissions are submitted through Turnitin, you must check your similarity score. Please refer to the University’s guidelines
Use of AI technology for your assessment task(s)
As this is a very new area, there are several questions which we don’t have answers to. These include the balance of your text and AI generated text for it to be considered your own work and what form the acknowledgement should take. The important thing is to consider these things and make a judgement based on your context.
OpenAI has a content policy that must be followed when using their tools. It states, ‘Don’t mislead your audience about AI involvement’, so if you use ChatGPT and don’t acknowledge it, you are not abiding by their terms of use.
The University Library provides some guidance on the form this acknowledgment might take here.
Late submissions & Assessment Mitigations:
Please refer to this link which will take you to MMU Student Life Assessment & Results guidance. Here you will find information for MMU’s assessment mitigations process. Further guidance can be found in this video link for step-by-step instructions on how to apply for your extension via Moodle.
Please Note: If you think you are unable to submit on time due to a health or some other unforeseen issueyou must request this via your unit Moodle page, referring to the guidance in the links provided above.
Unit Specification: see Moodle.
This is how your work will be graded. You will receive an overall grade that will be GUIDED by each of the criteria. The University has introduced a step marking scheme. Within a grade band you will be awarded a mark of 2, 5, or 8 eg 52, 55, 58 or 62, 65, 68, indicating whether your work is overall mid, low, or high within that grade band. The full step marking scheme will be uploaded separately on the Moodle channel, but can also be found at
Marking Criteria * (including how stepped marking applies)
Mark PGT Classification
95-100% Distinction
72% Marginal Distinction
68% Merit
52% Marginal pass
48% Marginal Fail
38% Fail
Marking criteria REPORT (85% weighting)
MARKING CRITERIA 0-19% 20-29% 30 - 39% 40-49% 50-59% 60- 69% 70-79% 80-89% 90-100%
Key points framed and contextualised, explaining background and
critical issues No points outlined or framed Extremely limited background context and framing of concepts Some back ground and
contextualisation offered, incomplete and superficial points raised Descriptive background and context with limited discussion points raised Sufficient contextualisation
and background, sufficient identification and framing of key
issues Good examination
& contextualisation of key issues, well defined and framed with practical examples of organisational complexity Rigorous critical contextualisation underpinned with theory. Thorough identification of issues Very high standard of contextualisatio n underpinned with theory. Thorough
identification of issues Exemplary contextualisation, meticulously framed
Use of core knowledge in critical analysis and evaluation of digital transformation in the organisational context Little/no/ inapprop riate use of core
e areas in analysis of organisat ional context. Purely descriptive with very limited critical discussion on core knowledge areas in analysis of organisational context. Some critical discussion on factors affecting digital transformation. Adequate critical discussion on factors affecting digital transformation and leadership core knowledge. Still mostly descriptive. Sufficient critical discussion on factors digital transformation and demonstrates ability to apply core knowledge to analysing evaluating organisational context. Fluent breadth and depth of core knowledge applied to competent critical analysis and evaluation of organisational context. Extensive discussions on digital
transformation factors, rigorous and evaluative analysis relevant to the organisational context. Very high standard of discussion on factors affecting digital transformation and leadership with original key reflections.
Insightful critical discussion on factors affecting digital transformation and leadership making connections between theory and practice.
Identify and interrogate relevant data and literature sources using methods appropriate to level of study and
to discipline PLO. 1.1.1 No use of literature Extremely limited use of evidence or data from literature Limited or weak use of literature and weak evidence used Adequate evidence and data used from
literature , but still weak in application to analysis and evaluation. Satisfactory use of data and evidence from literature Good critical use of evidence and data from literature Rigorous and critical use of data and evidence from literature Very high use of data and evidence from literature Authoritative and exemplary use of data and evidence from secondary sources
Conclusions and recommendations are evidence based and supported through critical discussion
PLO 2.1.1 Does not include conclusio ns and
recomme ndations Very limited conclusions and recommendations that have tenuous
links to the discussion Some conclusions, recommendations drawn but are more opinionated than evidence based Adequate conclusions, recommendations drawn from discussion that are supported by evidence, analysis and/or analysis. Satisfactory conclusions and recommendations drawn from discussion Appropriate and
conclusions and recommendations drawn from discussion Reflective conclusions and recommendations drawn from discussion Illuminating and insightful conclusions and recommendatio ns drawn from discussion Significant conclusions
and recommendations lead to insightful implications for org. strategic repositioning. Future work highlighted
Consistent and appropriate referencing and in text citation PLO 2.1.2 No evidence of MMU referenci ng and in text citation Very few references, inappropriate sources, poor in text citation.
Poor use of MMU
Harvard style Some references and in text citation.
Not in the MMU Harvard style or inconsistently applied Adequate MMU
Harvard referencing, but still some inconsistences, some inappropriate sources. Adequate in text citations Satisfactory MMU
Harvard referencing, Sufficient in text
citations, more needed Thorough and sufficient MMU referencing. Precise in text citations Sophisticated MMU referencing and in text citations Very outstanding
referencing and in text citation Authoritative MMU referencing and in text
communicate information appropriately and accurately using a range of media Very poor structure, standard of
cation Poor structure, disrupted flow. Limited logical flow. Poor use of relevant digital media Some structure and logical
flow, but it is too jumbled.
Satisfactory use of Adequate structure and flow, acceptable organisation and communication. Adequate use of relevant digital media Sufficiently clear structure, organisation and communication.
Satisfactory use of relevant digital media Good structure and organisation. Good use of relevant digital media Excellent structure and organisation. Very good use relevant digital media Outstanding structure and organisation. Outstanding use of relevant digital media Very outstanding structure and organisation. Exemplary use of media relevant
PLO 2.1.3 including very poor relevant digital media
Critical reflection (15% weighting)
Assessment descriptor Fail
0-19% 20-29% Fail
30-39% Marginal fail
50-59% Merit 60-69% Distinction 70-79% Distinction 80-89% Distinction 90-100%
Relevant personal leadership development goals identified and supported by personal
critical reflection
Recognise, explore and reflect on key ethical issues as they affecting own and others' practice.
PLO 3.1.1.
No personal reflection or goals identified.
Limited attempt to justify. Extremely limited personal reflection or goals identified.
Limited attempt to justify and no ethical insights raised. Some limited need for personal development identified. Some attempt to justify,
but poor relevance to leadership and/or very weak justification. Limited ethical insights raised. Identifies some appropriate personal development goals, but weakly justified. May be due to weak focus on leadership, descriptive approach, lack of theory and/or framework for
analysis, lack of ethical insights raised. Identifies appropriate leadership development goals through satisfactory critical reflection using appropriate theory and a
reflection framework. Some
ethical insights raised. Identifies clear leadership development goals, supported by thorough
critical reflection using appropriate theory and a reflection framework with good ethical insights raised. Identifies feasible professional development goals through rigorous critical reflection using appropriate theory, ethical insights and a reflection framework. Demonstrates some awareness of factors affecting feasibility of achieving goals. Illuminating and insightful professional development goals through
rigorous critical reflection, using appropriate theory, ethical insights and a reflection framework. Expertly highlights factors affecting feasibility of
achieving goalsl Identifies and justifies credible leadership development goals through rigorous critical reflection using appropriate theory, ethical insights and a reflection framework. Outstanding consideration of key factors affecting achievement.
Exceeding the max word count
If you exceed the max word limit in the brief, your assessor will not assess beyond the word limit for that element.

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