Recent Question/Assignment

“ Panorama investigation accuses Boohoo of ‘breaking ethical promises’”, Mills, C,
Retailweek, 6th November 2023 ('breaking%20ethical%20promises'&text=Fashion%20giant%20Boohoo%20has%20been,after%20orders%20had%20been%20agreed - accessed on 8th November 2023)
You are a Senior Manager of the BOOHOO Group. The board of directors have asked you to evaluate the following within the company:
1) Organisational Culture
2) Organisational Structure
3) Leadership and
4) Motivation
Evaluate why the company resorted to such practices. Critically analyse whether is it due to the current culture, structure, leadership or lack of motivation in that organisation? As a Senior Manager in this organisation, what changes would you make to improve the performance of the organisation? Justify your recommendations. Use appropriate examples and literature to justify your stand. Use a Change Management model and apply it to make the necessary changes in the organisation.
Note: The company is BOOHOO
A maximum of 3500 words not including title page, table of contents, appendices or list of references.
See below for the full explanation of the marking criteria
The Topic/title
1. Feel free to discuss possibilities with your lecturer.
2. ‘Describe’ means ‘this is what happened’, ‘Analyse’ means ‘this is why it happened’.
3. Recommendations could relate to the future, or to what others could learn from this situation.
Basic Format:
• A title page, a contents page, an introduction, a main section with sub-sections, and a recommendation, conclusion and references. Clear headings are essential. Relevant sources of information should be cited using the Harvard referencing system.
• Any areas of doubt need to be raised with your lecturer
The tasks address all the learning outcomes.
The use of a range of information sources is expected – academic books, peer reviewed journal articles, professional articles, press releases and newspaper articles, reliable statistics, company annual reports and other company information. All referencing should be in Harvard style.

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